
Cabling Management In Power Protection Solutions

Power Partners Cable Management Services

How to Complete a Successful Cable Operation?

Cabling management also plays a critical role in the power protection system. AC/DC power, ground, copper and fibre optic are the main types of network cabling used in data centers. An electric cable is measured in volts and commonly categorised into the following group:

  • Low Voltage Cables (up to 750V): They are designed and built according to harmonised standards in various applications, with thermoplastic and thermoset coatings.
  • Low Voltage Cables (up to 1,000V): They are used for industrial power installations in various fields. They are designed according to international standards (IEC, NEC, UL).
  • Medium Voltage Cables (1kV to 36kV): They are used for electricity distribution from electrical substations to transformer stations.
  • High Voltage Cable (from 36kV and above): They are used to transport electricity from the generating plants to the electrical substations.

Five Easy Guide in Cable Selection

The key to the successful operation of a cable system is to select the most suitable cable for the application, make a correct installation, and perform the required maintenance. The five key factors are:

(1) conduct proper cable installation (2) plan well on cable construction (3) study and understand the cable operation (4) confirm the cable size (5) protect with shielding requirements

  There are five fundamental constituents that make a cable: conductor, insulation, shield, filler and strength member (photo credit: There are five fundamental constituents that make a cable: conductor, insulation, shield, filler and strength member (photo credit:

How to Complete a Successful Cable Operation?

(1) CABLE INSTALLATION There are two types of cabling conditions, one is indoor installation, and another one is outdoor installation. It depends on the distribution system and the load served. A good understanding of the local conditions, installation crews, and maintenance personnel are essential to ensure that the selected cable system will operate correctly. Many cables insulation is damaged or weakened during the installation process by applying the incorrect pulling tensions. Conduit System Design can minimise the number of conduit bends and distances between wire holes and specify the pulling tensions to improve the cabling conditions.


(2) CABLE CONSTRUCTION The selection and application of cable involve the cable construction needed for a particular installation. Cable construction involves conductors, cable arrangement, and insulation and finish covering.


(3) CABLE OPERATION (Voltage & Current) Cable insulation should be made based on the applicable phase-to-phase voltage to withstand the voltage stresses experienced during normal and abnormal operating conditions. They are generally classified as either 100%, 133%, or 173% insulation levels.


(4) CABLE SIZE In many instances, voltage regulation and short circuit rating factors are overlooked. Oversight can result in danger to property and personnel, as well as the destruction of the cable itself. Therefore, it's crucial to select a cable size by evaluating the current carrying capacity, voltage regulation and short circuit rating.

"NEC specifies a 5% limit of voltage drop for electrical power distribution systems." 


(5) SHIELDING REQUIREMENTS In a power system with no shield or metallic covering, the electric field is partly in the air and partly in the insulation system. In this case, if the electric field is intense, such as high and medium voltage, surface discharges will occur and cause the air particles' ionisation. In the application of non-shielded cable on ungrounded systems, damage to insulation or jackets can be caused by leakage current if the surface of the cable is moist or covered with soot, grease, dirt, or other conducting films. In summary, a non-shielded cable may cause serious safety hazards.

Let The Experts Help You Out Today!! Contact Us. 

Power Partners not only provides an integrated sustainable power system but also care about detailed services. We will take care of all the cabling tasks and ensure your power protection system works well without hassle.  

Reference // Technical Articles By Edvard from Electrical Engineering Portal 


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